Monday, September 12, 2011

World Wide Spin in Public Day - 9/17

World Wide Spin in Public Day will take place this Saturday, September 17th.

Worldwide Spin in Public Day was started by a bunch of like-minded spinners to celebrate an art that they all love - the art of spinning fibers into yarn. (Our) main purpose is to help organize spinning in public events on the third weekend of September every year. This educates the public about our love of spinning, opens minds and hearts to what we love and allows us to meet new people, get together, and just have a really fun day!

Although there is currently not an established WWSiP event in or around Knoxville, we should have beautiful weather this Saturday.  It should be an ideal day for toting spindles and wheels outside and enjoy spinning in public in the spirit of the event.


From Theresa Buckman:
"In honor of World Wide Spin In Public Day, I would like to invite all of my new friends at the Tennessee Valley Handspinners Guild to come and spin with me at my shop, Forget-Me-Knot Yarn Shop at 2771 Lee Hi Plaza Hwy 11E in Lenoir City 37772, Saturday Sept 17 any time between 10 and 3.  Bring your wheel and something fun to spin! I will have refreshments and music and laughter aplenty!"